Beauty parlor is a waste of time and money

How to get over emotional attachment

How to get over emotional attachment

Lurking voice was saying, Today you are late, so no empty chair for you dear, even no empty space for keeping the laptop. I whispered, heavy traffic made me late. Oh, don’t lie you woke up late, so arrived late. If you know all the secrets, then stop asking, angrily I replied.

I looked askance at John and said please let me adjust at your desk. And  without waiting his approval kept laptop there and called my office boy Fred. Where is your chair, please get me. Just then Fred returned, a mile wide smirk on his face, a chair held in his hand. Someone clicked my picture and saying, he would upload it on social media.

Suddenly Peter switched off the AC. I yelled who the hell is doing this, I am terribly exhausted, sweating please turn it on. I am sneezing, coughing,  let it off Peter said. John dragged the curtain of the window, get the fresh air why you guys are fighting over trivial issues. OK, let it open saying I brought out my laptop. Oh battery is dying, I forgot to carry the charger. Sheryl just plugged out her charger, handed over to me. I smirked  Wiping the sweat off my forehead.


I started checking mails. In no time Mike came to me, have you cigarette bro? Carrying nostalgic smile I said yeah, but wait ten minutes, come with you. Rolling the whiff of puff with Mike I was feeling at ease.


Coffee, shaky voice changed the wave of brain.

Oh, I felt getting up from sweet dreams. Today we are the only four people, Fred’s grieved voice was realizing that the time has gone too far. Now I have to stay with this loneliness, tears were rolling down my cheeks.


I joined this start-up company one and half years before where we thirty guys were working together. Initially I was a bit apprehensive to join this company, but after joining I felt myself highly blessed working with young energetic groups. We left no stone unturned to make it successful and the positive results started coming within six months of inception.

After one year, the company hired three top level employees and within a few weeks plethora of new people joined in decision-making groups. And slowly old employees started getting calls for leaving the organization. Many colleagues voluntarily left and a time come, when we four people were remaining from old groups. Our all founding members were feeling humiliated.


Were we expecting this reward?


It was like  parents who put everything at stake to make their children successful, but after achieving success kids turned a blind eye. Being  parents, you feel tormented, find no one to share with. Because your closest person has left you alone.

But what is the solution?

How to get over emotional attachment


Late into the night getting back to home … I realized, why we take the things personally. Every second changes are taking place as the human level or technology level.Weather, climate, even our face is changing every second. So why not surroundings. It will change. We can cry, complain but it has to happen.


We might try accepting the reality and finding the goodness in the present, rather than comparing our present life to ideal life and finding it wanting    

It’s only difficult when we attach too tightly to past, and then we can become unhappy with the present.  Once we do this, and accept what’s in front of us, we reach a place of mental peace.

Emotional attachment is one of the most common issues we all are facing, you are not alone in this. Don’t control your emotions, let yourself cry if grief rises up within you. Not being attached brings relaxation and ease.


Mindfulness is the best route to cope up with emotional pain. It gets your mind, spiritual energy. But you need to do it regularly from 10 mints to 30 mints. I personally experienced the amazing benefits of mindfulness. This spiritual power helps me to get over depression, anger, anxiety, and impatience. It makes you aware how mind reacts, processes or creates different thoughts at different moments.    


Processing the mind in a different way is not easy, even I am not perfect but if we could try slowly without haste. We can  get over the pain soon


To give and then not feel that one has given is the very best of all ways of giving Max Beerbohm

How to make yourself happy forever

How to make yourself happy forever

Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful- John Wooden


Thinking is wisdom, source of right path. How will we get wisdom if our source is wrong? Do we accept our thinking is ridiculous? No, we are never wrong.


We are the group of I. We are divided because I am divided. I am divided because every I have own self-interest. I fight for the identity. “I am’’ is the most selfish word. It is more selfish than the word selfish. I am the ego. Ego is a disease, epidemic. It creates jealousy, envy, anger, misery. I want to travel around the world, I want own yacht, I want gorgeous wife n.. n..  infinite desires.


“I am” is  the core of the problem. It is egoist, arrogant, self-obsessed. Whenever I feel his/her dream is shaking. I get into deep depression and ready to take any steps to fulfil his desires. Overloaded desires make I’s life mundane. It creates insecurity, frustration, anger, envy. The word “I” have held us so firmly that we start burning into our own thoughts. We even forget to take care of our health.


Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power- William James

A twelve year poor boy who lost his Mom at his birth was living in a small village with his father. In that village there was a big crisis of water and people were travelling four km to get water from a river. Every morning before going to farming his father was waking him up and sending to bring the water from the river with other villagers. In that small group of people all were older to that boy. They were making fun of him by saying your father chooses to make easy work and sending you in this scorching sun for filling up water. Everyday listening to the same story  kid got angry and next morning said to his father, he wouldn’t not go to bring water. Father smiled and said let’s exchange the work.


The kid became happy and started to go for farming. Here other farmers started saying, your father is selfish, sending you whole day for farming and chooses an easier job for him. Next evening going back to home, the son said to his father, he would go with him wherever he goes to work. Father smiled with his twinkling eyes and turned agree. Now they started going back to work together. Seeing both of them together villagers started laughing at them and saying both of you are lazy. If one person can do this work alone why both of you are wasting your time.


The kid got perturbed and asked his father what’s the problem with these people. I have been following their advice and changed my work, but still they are laughing at us. The father said it’s not their problem, it’s your problem. We just start believing what we perceive from others rather than applying our own mind. We wander to get recognition from others. In the way of wearing identity, we lose wisdom.  


We belief on others and keep ourselves in self doubt. So the moot point is staying in this environment. How can we remain happy?      

The solution is not ready made to get over this. Happiness is inside us. We need to recognize it.

 Drop four things from your life immediately to remain happy. 

  1. Repenting about the past 
  2. Thinking about the future 
  3. Staying with Negative people
  4. Comparing yourself with others


We all are unique. We have different family backgrounds, financial situation. So stop comparing yourself with others and stop taking advice from negative people. Stay with positive people. Enjoying with the positive people in your life helps you put your problems in perspective.


Talking with a trusted friend about your feelings will help you identify your needs. Life is a game and you are a player. If you want to emerge as a winner you have to give hundred percent. It demands concentration, skill and strong zeal. Present makes the future. If you keep busy in calculating future. It affects your present work.


If you are the person who are unable to get over the past, do your best to identify what you need now. Every time your mind drags you to the past and future, question yourself what you need in the present. Putting your attention on your present moment helps you to get over the uncalled thinking.


When thinking  stresses you, put your thought process to something more pleasant, like your passion for your hobby. Everyday  you should spend some time in nature, greenery. Reading good books, listening music are also a good option to get out of tension. Past is like wearing clothes that never fit. It is the time to take them off.

The changes don’t happen on a night but we may get the smell of changes, once we start taking positive steps towards it. 


How much money do you need to earn to be happy

How much money do you need to earn to be happy

Let’s move and buy happiness wherever it is available. No matter how long we have to go. We are ready to travel. No matter how much money do we need. We will collect to be happy.

We wish we could do that!!!

Happiness is a feeling. It’s intangible, which can’t be purchased and exchanged with tangible products. Our minds are habituated to stay in negativity. Our materialistic desire is infinite. The biggest problem is comparison. We compare our financial position with our relatives, friends, and neighbours.

Here is the problem… . Stop comparing yourself with others. If you compare your financial position then why not compare love, affection, kindness, generosity, humbleness.

Our life is moving around tangible and intangible products. Home, car, gazettes; all are tangible goods which can be bought or sold. Intangible products are blessings, wisdom, knowledge, education, happiness. We can feel it, but can’t be sold and purchased.

But our complication is that we give priority to the tangible goods and always think, it makes us happy. We need to change the view. Give priority to the intangible products. Count your days on blessings, not money. Humanity is invaluable, it comes first.

We have to spread love and affection, give more and expect less. Real happiness and blessings come from our good deeds. We have been listening same thoughts in church, temple or mosque but forget it. We need to plunge into this thought.


……How do we describe: Will you have a good day or a bad day?


If we get a gift, salary hike, promotion. We think it is a good day. Another way, if our holiday leaves don’t get approved. We don’t get a job promotion. Suddenly we get unwell. Then we correlate all these incidents as a bad day. Here our calculation of good and bad days is incorrect.

We should count how many blessings we got today. With how many people we shared good words. Count your generosity and calculate your day with good works, not earnings. Slowly, you understand how your perspective on life is changing.


God has nothing to do with money. We have to make our life count for God by good or bad karma. When people die; we discuss their friendly behaviour, humorous nature, soft spoken words. We acknowledge them good due to their intangible services not because they were rich.

We are used to say, if we have had more money, we could be worry-free. Do we get a bigger smile on the face of rich people who travels in a big car, having a big farm house. Not at all, reach people is having more tension, depression, sleepless nights than poor.


……….. The more you chase the money, the more tension you get. Whoever loves money never has enough.  

It is our illusion that materialistic stuff can bring smile on our face. The only slogan of happiness is live life to its fullest. Enjoy, laugh, and dance at this current moment. The past is gone, and the future is the product of our present thinking and actions. The only time that exists is now, the present moment and it makes the root of the future. Keep blind faith in good karma, follow the path of goodwill. Live your life, like it is the last moment.


Life is uncertain and it may end anytime without giving any pre-information. In this uncertainty, you should not lose the charm of living life every moment. What is happening good or bad feel it, flow with it and enjoy. The need can be fulfilled, but greed never ends.

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one. –Benjamin Franklin

How To Live A Healthy Happy Life: 5 Simple Steps To Take Today

Living your life healthy and happily is not so difficult. We need to change our attitude towards our life and make some rules for it. In a 9 to 6 private job we tend to be in strict discipline and follow our routine. However, when it comes to our personal life, we become a looser and forget all the disciplines. I am unable to understand, why this dual standards?

Today, in 21st century chronic diseases are spreading much faster than number of hospitals and doctors. There are many diseases which are still incurable like heart problem, diabetes, liver problem etc. Medical science has not found any solution yet.

Earlier, persons of elder age and above 50 were prone to these chronic ailments, but now even children and younger persons are falling victim. In today’s world, we are very much money centric and our only goal is to earn more and more money . In this process we ignore our health which is most vital for us. Yes, I also agree that money is very important to make our life comfortable, but it’s not more important than our health.


Ignoring your health may cost you everything that you can never get back. In short term, you will not see any significant difference but, after some years it will start reflecting in your life with lots of bad effects. “Health is Wealth”. This proverb is still relevant. If a person is healthy, he can do anything, achieve anything and keep him and his family happy. 

If you want healthy and happy life, you should make a daily routine. You should spare some time for your health and fitness. These are very simple steps following which will give you a healthy body and peaceful mind.

fun time


1.Wake up early morning:

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. Yes you should follow these lines. Go to the bed early night and leave your bed early in the morning. First time When you wake up early in the morning  you may feel lazy, but when it will form a habit, you start feeling very fresh.

Waking up between 5 to 6 A.M in the morning gives you 2 more hours in your schedule. You can follow your hobbies in the morning time, which you couldn’t follow otherwise. Start your day with small prayer, be thankful to your God for whatever he has provided you so far. And then, make a “to do” list for your day’s work.

Wake up Sid


2.Morning walk:

You should go to morning walk every morning. It balances blood circulation in body and it makes you fit and healthy. You will be less prone to diseases. This habit is a security guard and it protects our body from external threats.

The breeze in the morning is very calm and pure so when you get up early and breathe, you inhale fresh and clean air. It leaves very positive effects on your lungs and your heart. If you have any problem or any disease like, – Heart problem, Diabetes, Body pain and Joint pain etc. and you go for the treatment, the first advise doctor gives you is to do morning walk. If we have to start walking after getting unwell, why not start it today?



3.Drink water with honey:

After morning walk you should drink a glass of warm water with one big tsp. honey. It is very beneficial for your health. It reduces cholesterol and prevents fat to increase.

Benefits of honey are very well known. Even Chinese and Japanese people are now start using honey in their day to day life. Taking water with honey on empty stomach works as a cleanser which cleans our body of harmful toxins. Additionally, It honey gives a small boost of energy to us in morning time. That prevents us from resorting to fries and snacks to feed our hunger. I’ve been taking this since last 10 years and can see its direct benefits.



4.Yoga and Meditation:

I never miss yoga and exercise in my daily routine. Physical and mental both exercises are important for maintaining our health. If you are doing Yoga and meditation, you will never fall sick.

It makes body and mind more active. It improves blood circulation and reduces cholesterol. Meditation controls your mental pressure and your depression. Meditation makes you mentally and physically healthy and fit.




5.Limit the intake of tea and coffee:

Limit your tea, coffee and alcohol consumption. Tea and coffee have caffeine in them. Taking tea/coffee in empty stomach may stimulate acid creation and give you acidity problem.

Along with that tea causes dehydration in your body if you don’t take enough water intake, it will further complicate the issues. In worst case tea or coffee may cause Ulcer too. So, try to avoid tea/coffee as much as possible.

Alcohol affects very negatively on your liver. Although, some researches shows very mild good effects of Alcohol, but bad effects of Alcohol outweigh good effects. It may weaken your liver and digestive system. It affects your reproductive system also. Despite that, if you want to take alcohol occasionally, I would prefer ‘Red wine’.


Side effects of Coffee


Do you think, these habits are very hard to follow? No, I don’t think so.

Start following these from today itself, procrastination will make the things much harder. If I can do this, you can also.

Feel free to share your views

5 Evergreen Bollywood Dialogues From Hindi Movies

1. We have seen many Bollywood movies. But Sholay is one of those movies which dialogues still remain in our memory. Sholay created a mammoth character of Gabbar Singh. And when we talk about Gabbar Singh, the most famous dialogue “KITNE AADMI THE” comes in our mind instantly. From our grandpa to our generation, the flavor of this punch line, KITNE AADMI THE has not diminished a bit. 






2. The most hilarious dialogue comes from the movie SHARABI, “ MOOCHE HO TOH NATHULAL JAISI HO WARNA NA HO”.

Even if we forget the name of the movie SHARABI, we cannot forget the character of NATHULAL and his golden heart boss VICKY Aka Amitabh Bachchan. Wherever the word moustache comes we burst out laughing and say MUCHE HO TOH NATHULAL JAISI HO WARNA NA HO”.






3. We know how time consuming our judicial process is. It takes years of sweat and blood to get the justice here. Our next dialogue perfectly echoes our pain and suffering. That is why Sunny Deol’s dialogue in the movie Damini-TARIKH PE TARIKH is our favorite one. The roaring muscular man of Bollywood Sunny Deol and his excellent dialogue delivery inTARIKH PE TARIKH MILTI HAI JUDGE SAHAB MAGAR INSAAF NAHI MIL RAHA” is ever haunting.





4. When I was writing it. The dialogue “ARE O PUSHPA” came in my mind first, before i recalled the name of the movie Amar Prem. The first super star of Indian cinema Rajesh Khanna and his unique romantic gesture always make us nostalgic. When we see tears in someone’s eyes, we recall this dialogue ARE O PUSHPA, I HATE TEARS RE”.






5. A man of golden heart, a man full of heart, a man of mood yeah, undoubtedly Salman Khan and his manly way of approaching a girl has been catching our attention. One of the most famous dialogues THAPPD SE DARR NAHI LAGTA SAHAB PYAR SE LAGTA HAI of his movie Dabangg displays his image.




These dialogues became famous because they suit the story and actors of the movie completely. Otherwise, thousands of dialogues were used in the Indian cinema, but somewhere they couldn’t do justice with the movie and its plot.

2 Girls can’t be good friends: 5 simple points

BY: RashmiS  When we talk about girls, beauty comes in our mind first. On any auspicious or festive occasion, we see girls with their tempting smells, attractive attires, attentive attitudes and sparkling beauties. When many beauties gather at a time, an inside rivalry takes place. Which provoke them giving sarcastic remarks on their peers.

There are five mudslinging points which have been most common among girls.

 What do girls fight about? 5 points



Jealousy and envy are two common friends of girls. A girl doesn’t accept easily that her friend is more beautiful. Even if you are good looking, but a bit fatty, jealousy drags others to give a sarcastic comment of you. It shows self obsessed behavior and inferiority complex among girls. If you don’t want to be embarrassed and making your presence more appealing, then put off your weight and follow a strict routine life.

If you compare between a rural and urban girl. Urban girls are more prone to obesity problem rather than rural girls. Lifestyle is the reason behind this, so urban girls need to be more concerned about their diets. Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. I don’t work out because I hate my body, I work out because I love it.




2. AGE:

I never see any  moment, when age didn’t come out as an issue of discussion among girls. It’s very pity to downgrade a person on the basis of age, but the same way, I want to say that if anyone feels happy to show herself junior, then let her enjoy rather than get into a scuffle and making yourself embarrassed. Critics are your best friends; take their remarks on a positive note.

What do girls fight about? 5 points 


Take healthy diets. Do Regular yoga and exercise. Take proper sleep and stay  happy. If you follow this, age will never catch you. Let your friends be jealous, your sparkling beauty will be the best answer for them.

“Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul” “Age. is a matter of feelings, not of years”.

What do girls fight about? 5 points



I can’t recall a party, where we all girls didn’t discuss about our boyfriends. Your social reputation is directly proportional to your boyfriend’s earnings. Today hubby  or boyfriend has become completely a materialistic stuff. It is a kind of your financial status, so girls don’t miss a single chance to show off their superiority and make fun of others.

If you want to enjoy the party and having cheerful equanimity,  it’s better to stay away from this garrulous discussion.

 “The heart that loves is always young.” “Jealousy is like flames of fire.”

2 girls can’t be good friends. 5 simple points



Girls and makeup go hand in hand. Being a girl, you should know your skin type; whether it is oily, normal or dry. When a girl gets into a party, she grabs an attention, if you don’t keep below mentioned three things in your Mind,  You will carry a bad beauty conscious tag with yourself.

First, you should know your skin type.

Second, Choose a makeup as per your skin complexion.

Third, consider the function you are going to attend. When a girl gets into a party, she grabs an attention, if you don’t keep above mentioned three things in Mind, you can’t be a center of attraction. You will carry a bad beauty conscious tag with yourself.

“Make-up is nothing but an art of beauty.” “The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural”.

2 girls can’t be good friends. 5 simple points



Dressing sense is the most frequently used term in the fashion world. Madonna, Sunny Leone, Katrina kaif to Angelina Jolie all have been victim of bad dressing sense at some point of time.

Good dressing sense doesn’t mean, only branded wardrobes. It says, you should choose your attire, keeping in view your body structure and comfort level, rather than just follow the trends. You should not live in a fool’s paradise.

If you see famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela or Barak Obama, they wore what they were feeling comfortable in. Today we can easily recognize them by their wardrobes only.


Your dress is your overall persona, you die, but it remains stay in the earthly world. “Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.” “Elegance does not consist in putting on a new branded dress”.

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